How to secure a UK Student visa?

How to secure a UK Student visa


In 2020 the UK Government introduced a new points-based immigration system, that replaces the Tier 4 visa, for anyone that wanted to study in the UK. Regardless of where they came from in the world.


The application process for the Student visa takes about three weeks and can only be done once you have secured a Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS) from a UK university, which will be issued to you once you have submitted proof of achieving the required grades at A Level, or an equivalent qualification. 


How does the Student Visa differ from the Tier 4 visa?


Since leaving the European Union the UK Government have streamlined the student visa process and now both EU and non-EU citizens that want to study in the UK at university level must apply for the same visa.  The other big difference is that the Student visa is that it allows students to live and work in the UK for up to three years, as long as you meet certain requirements.


Types of UK Study Visa

Types of student visa

Who can apply?

General Student visa

You can apply for a general student visa to study in the UK if:

·         You're 16 years old or over

·         Studying for a foundation, A-Levels, undergraduate, postgraduate, pre-masters or PhD programme

Child Student visa

You can apply for a Child Student visa if:

·         You're between 4-17 years old

·         Want to study at an independent school with sponsor licence

Short-term Student visa

You can apply for a Short-term Student visa if you are studying English language courses lasting between 6-11 months.

Visitor visa

You can apply for a Visitor visa if:

·         You are studying a course that lasts less than six months at an accredited institution

·         Undertaking research as an academic

·         Studying an elective

·         Taking part in an educational exchange

·         Attending a recreational course that lasts for 30 days maximum

Graduate visa

You can apply for a Graduate visa if you plan on staying in the UK between two-three years after successfully completing an undergraduate degree.



Can dependents travel on a Student visa?


from January 2024, international students coming to the UK will only be allowed to bring their dependants on their student visa if they are enrolled on specific postgraduate courses categorised as research programmes. These eligible programmes include PhDs, other doctoral qualifications, or master's programmes that involve research and the creation of original work. The restriction on bringing dependants will be applicable to all international students starting their courses from 1st January 2024.


How much does it cost to apply for the UK Student visa?


The standard Home Office fee for a Student visa application made outside of the UK is £348, for both the main applicant (general student and child student) and each dependent. For visa applications made inside the UK, it is £475 for the main applicant (general student and child student) and each dependent.


What documentation do you need for the UK Student visa?


In most cases you will need the following documentation to secure a UK Student visa:

·         A current passport or other valid travel documentation

·         A Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS) from your course provider

·         Proof you have enough money to support yourself and pay for your course

·         A valid ATAS certificate if your course and nationality require it

·         Proof of parental or other legal guardian consent if you’re under 18

·         Proof of your relationship to your parent or guardian if you’re under 18

·         Your tuberculosis test results, for students coming from certain countries.


·      Written consent for your application from your financial sponsor if you’ve received sponsorship for your course fees and living costs in the last 12 months


How to apply for a UK Student visa from outside the UK?


If you are applying for a UK Student visa, you will need to prove your identity. Before you move to this stage you will need to collate all the paperwork and then depending on where you are from and what type of passport you have you will either:

1)    Give your fingerprints and a photograph (biometric information) at a visa application centre in your country.

2)    Use the ‘UK Immigration: ID Check’ app to scan your identity documents.


How to apply for a UK Student visa from inside the UK?


If you are already in the UK and want to extend your Student visa or switch to a Student visa from a different visa you can do that online by providing the required information 


How long does it take to get a decision?


You’ll usually get a decision within three weeks, although you can pay to get a decision faster. 


What happens after you apply?


You’ll be contacted if your application is complex and will take longer; if additional paperwork is needed or you need to attend an interview. And if your circumstances change after you submit your application contact UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI). Otherwise, you will get a response within three weeks.


How will you hear whether you have secured the UK Student visa?


If you have applied for a UK Student visa, you will receive written notification by email if you are successful in your application. The email will include details of how to sign into the View and Prove service on GOV.UK, where you can check your immigration status and its conditions at any time. If you use the ‘UK Immigration: ID Check’ app and are successful in your application, you will also receive written notification by email. After receiving notification of your acceptance, you should ultimately receive either your biometric residence permit or an online immigration status. depending on whether you submitted your fingerprints and photos via an application centre or through the UK immigration app.
